1 Feature detection

  • Containing vast information

SO it’s important to determine

  1. WHERE

    • concentrate on a part and ignore others
    • e.g. Object recognition: Ignore background
  2. WHAT

    • Feature can be located
      • edge
      • feature points

2 Edge detection

2.1 Feature

  1. Brightness (value) changes rapidly
  2. Differentiation (近傍ピクセルとの微分処理 )
  3. Important feature for object recognition
  4. Weak to noise(Because it is differentiation)

2.2 Kinds

2.3 Differentiation

  • Grandient

    • Represents the direction and the speed of the change in brightness
  • Laplacian


3 edge operator

为了计算微分,我们通过edge operator——即一种filter来实现

3.1 一次微分

对于一个形同$[[I_{i,j+1}, I_{i+1,j+1}],[I_{i,j}, I_{i+1,j}]]$的2*2 window内的像素,我们可以将微分转换为



  • Location more precise
  • Weak to noise
  • Low detection power

3.2 二次微分

3.3 算法

  • Roberts
  • Prewitt
    • 先ほどのカーネルではノイズの影響が非常に強く出てしまうので、平滑化処理を加えた形
  • Sobel

    • Location imprecise
    • Robust to noise
    • High detection power
  • LoG

    • 用于平滑化
    • 近似于DOG(倒不如说有时候用DOG会更方便所以可以近似)
  • Canny
    • 通过将一系列的检出算法合并的强力检出工具
      1. Blur image I with 2D Gaussian
      2. Find the edge‐normal direction at each pixel:
      3. Calculate the strength of the edge
      4. Find the maximal strength in the edge‐normal direction as the zero‐crossing in that direction (this step is called non‐maximum suppression)
    • 改变参数$\sigma$可以提取各种各样不同的特征

4. Corner detection


4.1 Susan

  1. window作为一个圆形对图片遍历,圈内与圆心相同亮度的部分称为USAN
  2. 若USAN的面积小于某个阈值即认为这个点是角点(就是在圆内占比极低)


  3. USAN面积排行
    1. 圆内全部为相同亮度(即在一个物体内部时)面积最大
    2. 圆内只有一半左右为相同亮度(即边缘)面积次大
    3. 圆内只有小部分为相同亮度时(即角)面积最小

4.2 harris

Detect a point where the sum of square changes
of the image is largest when shifted slightly

  • Points easily distinguishable from nearby points